рус | eng |


Country: Russia
1 x 90 min

Businessman Bragin feels bitter because of a cheating wife, as a result — a divorce and a heavy drinking bout. Things in his company are on the verge of a collapse.
A doctor advises our friend Bragin to "fight fire with fire" and the businessman employs a new assistant, the ambitious beauty Laura.
Bragin takes a fancy to her. But a trip to the construction site of a new plant and a meeting with the modest teacher Sasha change Bragin’s life...
Cast: Alexey Zubkov, Ekaterina Ryabova, Elena Kuprashevich, Ian Tsapnik, Alexey Morozov, Mikhail Tryasorukov, Larisa Leonova, Alexey Fokin, Dmitry Bykovsky


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