рус | eng |


Country: Russia
28 x 24 min

You have dreamed of a dog for a long time and finally the cherished pet lives with you. If the pet has completely got out of hand, if the four-legged friend turns into an enemy, if you fell out with your dog....
If you are tired of these problems, but you cannot find a common language with your pet...
Cynologist and canine psychologist Andrey Shuvalov will come to help you.
He will explain why your dog does not behave the way you want, he will tell what it was thinking about, and will help you solve any problem.
After all, the most important thing is to learn to understand your dog, and then you will be able to control its behavior.
In each part, Andrey will come home to dog owners to find out what problems the owner has, and will tell them step by step what should be done to solve the problem. There are no problem dogs, there can be only a bad training!


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