рус | eng |


Country: Russia
8 x 24 min

The series is dedicated to one of the most burning topics in family relations – divorce.
Why does a family, which seemed strong and prosperous only yesterday, break up overnight?
Why do relations, which seemed quite harmonious recently, go bad all of sudden?
What makes men slam the door suddenly?
After all, all of them swore eternal love once.
The project host, famous psychologist Elena Novoselova, is a competent guide in the confusing world of relationships between a man and a woman.
In the program, Elena will analyze the most typical reasons that push families to divorce.
This project makes us think and reconsider some possibly outdated methods of communication.
Sometimes couples want the same thing, but they speak in a different language.
To be able to listen to each other, to be able to hear each other – that's what matters.


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