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Country: Russia
48 x 22 min

The show Color Revolution will help to survive natural disasters such as remodeling and find compromises for every family member.
Elena Teplitskaya, the host of the show, designer, artist and fashion designer will help the audience with remodeling issues, offer unusual color solutions, will design the interior according to her exquisite taste, based on her personal understanding of harmony and comfort.
Together with a designer, artist and architect Elena Teplitskaya, you will dive into the fantasy world.
She will share secrets of beautiful space: sometimes only a small but crucial element is needed to make the room lively and unique, a detail that will best describe the owner, his personality and habits.
It could be a small table or a lamp, sofa pillows or a vase, unusual color pieces.
Elena can turn the simplest thing into an art piece and demonstrate it to the audience.


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